Thursday, June 7, 2007


'Ya know, I was just thinking - I have talked and witnessed to folk who tell me - and I have even said it - "Oh God doesn't exist" or "God hates me" or "I don't believe in God" or words to that effect - well think about this. You are you, human and don't believe in anything but you - someone you do love and care about - could even be a stranger, someone you have never seen before - is getting mugged or raped or whatever - treated badly - do you call 911? Do you care? What do you think God would do? Would He call 911? You bet He did. Meet Jesus, God's answer to 911.
Tell me He don't care, tell me He hates you, tell me He don't exist.

You breathe don't you?, your heart beats doesn't it? The sun rises in the morning.
Look outside yourself for just a second - I know it gets scary out there, but try it - You'll see a big, bright, wonderful God waiting to welcome you home. Wanting to forgive you, willing to wash away all your sins, just to take you home.

Doesn't exist... Yea, right.

If you are one of those who say that - shut up for a minute - turn off your mp3 player, TV, whatever it is that keeps you occupied and listen to your heart. You can be forgiven! YOU can be forgiven. Listen and believe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI! I go to this message board where there is 1 Atheist who drives the few of us Christians their crazy!! He twists and turns our words and refuses to listen to anything we say...but we keep trying. I pray that one day there has been enough seeds planted in him that his heart will soften and he may know Jesus Christ and become saved.