Saturday, July 14, 2007

Corn in the garden

I was just out back taking the corn plants out of the garden, when I got this flash. This applies to us as Christians. I remember back when the corn was growing and so alive and so wonderful, I would marvel at it every day - Praise the Lord for His blessings in the abundance of this wonderful crop. Well the plants finished their cycle and faded and I just finished taking them out. I thought what lesson about the Lord does this teach me?
We - when we first believe are like that stalk of corn - bursting from the ground with great energy and promise, so alive in our new lives that we can hardly contain it. We grow and mature and then reach a point where we come to an end - the gardener comes back and sees that we are not producing anything and takes us out. Think on that.
As Christians we should never let our fruit stop coming - we need to always grow, always produce fruit for the Lord. He is a faithful and wonderful gardener!
Many times throughout the Bible the garden/vineyard/fruit bearing tree analogy is used - and for a good reason. We are either on fire for the Lord or we are not - Revelation 3:15, 16 "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot, I could wish you were either cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth"

We - and by we I include myself - need to stay on fire for the Lord! Let us not be lukewarm to Him! Stay strong and green and growing in His love and the life He has given each of us. Be bountiful in His service. Obey His commands, and have life everlasting. Amen!

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